This year we are offering a total of $17,050.00 in Prize Money!
Please review the official rules and regulations for more details.
Prizes & Scholarships:
Increased Top Teacher Prize Money!
100+ Club
Any teacher will 100+ entries, not in the Top 6 receives a $100.00 bonus!
- $1750 (min 250 entries)
- $1000 (min 200 entries)
- $500 (min 150 entries)
- $300 (min 125 entries)
- $150 (min 100 entries)
- $100 (min 50 entries)
Gentleman and ladies are merged. Prize money is awarded to those teachers with the highest number of points meeting the minimum entry count criteria. Points will not be awarded for discounted Junior entries.
All entries must be received before the deadline to be eligible. Must have a minimum of 50 entries to qualify.

Points System:
Single Dance Events:
1st - 8 points, 2nd - 7 points, 3rd - 6 points, 4th - 5 points, 5th - 4 points, 6th - 3 points, 7th - 2 points, 8th - 1 point. Each recall from a preliminary round is 4 points.
Multi-Dance Events:
1st - 30 points, 2nd - 20 points, 3rd - 15 points, 4th - 10 points, 5th - 8 points, 6th - 6 points, 7th - 4 points, 8th - 4 point. Each recall from a preliminary round is 6 points.
Proficiency entries receive 1 point. Uncontested events will be 1/2 point.
Top Students
An award will be presented to the Top Newcomer, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Amateur Couple, and Youth competitors.
Calculations are based on total point accumulation.
Students receive points towards the Dance Vision Circuit.
Top Overall Pro/Am Male & Female Competitor
An award will be presented to the Top Male and Female Pro/Am competitor. This award is across all levels and divisions. Calculations are based on total point accumulation.
Top Overall Competitor
The Overall Top Female and Male competitors will receive a commemorative trophy.
​Top Studio
An award will be presented to the Top two Studios. Calculations are based on the number of packages, entries, and placement points.
*If less than 6 participants, Prize Money will be pro-rated.
Pro/Am Closed Scholarships
1st - $125
2nd - $100
3rd - $75
Pro/Am & Amateur Open Scholarships
1st - $150
2nd- $125
3rd - $75
Youth Amateur Open Scholarships
1st - $75
2nd- $50
3rd - $25
All competitors must be entered in at least 5 single dances in the same style and level as the scholarship events. If less than 3 contestants participate, the organizer reserves the right to combine age levels and divisions.
All competitors will receive a ribbon for placements 1st-6th place in single dance events.
Winners of 2 & 3-Dance events will receive a specialty ribbon for placements 1st-6th place.
Winners of Novice, Pre-Champ, and 4 & 5-Dance Challenge events will receive a commemorative medal for 1st-3rd place and a specialty ribbon for 4th-6th place.